Nor is it just looking for a large capacity engine. After all, backhoe and loader that had clearly got the advantage, moreover there are a pair of speedboat engines, each of which has a power of 300 hp, plus a Toyota Kijang Innova used to drag race. But, when talking about the Nissan Navara flagship daily, Chris prefers the large cabin and comfort provided.
Core of the diesel engine and the air supply convincing incoming solar is always maintained and appropriate. Thus, intercooler piping remade in order to maximize the air channel, and K & N air filter also chosen because they have the ability to filter incoming air without reducing the required discharge.
Derived from the maximum setting Dastek Unichip piggyback plus additional extender for maximizing the solar discharge into the fuel. "Try on-dyno, 250 hp can still tolerable," explained the man who is also a great bike this hobby. Check the location of the project will make to accomplish in baseball dong street. Moreover, throttle controller has been added to make it more responsive gas pedal.

Moreover, Chris put separangkat stabilizer Apache Arms Tokico sokbreker combined to increase driving stability. Yummy, because wear bearing system. So it is very effective stabilizer Apache improve handling on the highway nan smooth, but still has a distance to play when I have to resort to ugly bumpy.

Lid, as well as serve to protect the baggage that sometimes must be taken. The tailgate is closed using Aeroclass soft top, which is given again 2 iron reinforcing rods.